As part of Acuative’s 40-year celebrations, the marketing team sat down with founder and CEO, Vince Sciarra to reflect on the key accomplishments and look forward to the future!

Through the twists and turns of technology, Acuative has continued to provide industry-leading services to help clients leverage technology to meet their business goals.

What are some of the key milestones and accomplishments that you are most proud of over the past 40 years?

I typically like look forward and see many more milestones we need to accomplish. However, looking back on our journey, the most amazing thing is the way the company was able to weather the highs and lows of the economy and the IT industry over the past 40 years. The company endured both the savings & loan crisis in the 90’s, the financial crisis of 2008, the dot-com bust in 2000, the global unrest of the Iraq wars, and most recently the global pandemic. 

Acuative started as Telsource, a small private company on a shoestring budget with no outside investment. I would say that was a major accomplishment. Today, Acuative is still a private company with great banking relationships, but still has no outside investment. We owe our success to our clients who stuck with us through all the challenges. In the early days, it was the likes of Aetna, AT&T, IBM, Liberty Mutual, United Technologies and Verizon. Most of those companies are still clients today. Our very first client was a company out of Dallas, Texas, U.S. Telephone who helped us go national within our first 9 months. U. S. Tel on its growth path became US Telecom, US Sprint, Sprint and now T-Mobile, who after 40 years remains a client today. 

Successful acquisitions assisted in our growth and expanded our services into Europe and the Middle East. All of these accomplishments are due to our loyal staff over the past 40 years. Acuative has been fortunate to have many talented and loyal staff over the years, whether they started with the company, recruited or came in from acquisitions. I am truly amazed as to what they do for the company and our customers.

How have you adapted to the rapid evolution of technology and business since founding Acuative?

There are three words I picked up and live by: Change, Adapt or Die! The changes we have seen over the past 40 years are truly mind blowing. Just when I think it has slowed down, new transformative technology appears. However, the more technology changes the way we live, work and play, the more core principles stay the same. 

Acuative has always done a great job of evaluating and embracing new technology. We look at it from the perspective of how it benefits our clients and how to help unleash value to them. Our employees are the backbone of our adaptability, quick to learn, and even quicker to innovate. We are constantly looking for new talent to revolutionize the way we think and present fresh ideas. At the same time, our seasoned veterans provide consistency in our services and culture. Our employees are the ones who keep us agile and ready for what’s next. 

I believe the latest technology change in the area of Artificial Intelligence will prove to be more powerful than all the preceding 40 yeas of technology changes. (And no, I didn’t use AI to answer these questions, although it might have done a better job!). Acuative is reviewing ways to gain efficiency and accuracy using AI in our services to continue to stay ahead and service our clients.

What do you believe sets our MSP company apart from others in the industry, and how have we maintained a competitive edge over four decades?

What got Acuative here and what will take us into the future is our people and our customer focused culture. Acuative has the capability of larger MSPs, but with the ability to deliver a very personalized service. We truly believe that our success relies on the success of our clients. Everything we do is designed to provide successful client outcomes.

Our relationships with leading technology partners gives Acuative the ability to change with technology, select the best fit and design an optimal solution. There is no magic formula – just hard work, focus, experience and relationships. Customers benefit from Acuative’s absolute commitment to delivering the best customer service in the networking industry.
What sets us apart? Our years of expertise in providing personalized solutions have allowed us to create lasting partnerships, both with our vendors and our clients. We have the skills and expertise to provide comprehensive end-to-end network solutions to keep businesses running smoothly. With a team of dedicated professionals who go above and beyond for our clients by adopting a Customer First mindset, we have maintained a competitive edge with continuous improvement for four decades and counting.

What excites you the most about the future of Acuative?

As we look to the future, there is one thing that excites me above all else: the chance to push the envelope and continue our relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence. We are not content with resting on our laurels; instead, we are driven to push the boundaries of what is possible in the managed network services industry. 

Technology continues to evolve at speeds, and there is no shortage of challenges to tackle and solutions to explore, but Acuative is willing to take on the challenge. From enhancing our managed infrastructure offerings to embracing the latest advancements in full stack observability and AI, we are committed to staying at the forefront of the industry. With our talented team leading the charge, I am confident that Acuative will continue to be a driving force among our competitors for the next 40 years!